Gregory Drainage and Levee District
LOCATION: Clark and Lewis Counties, Missouri
CLIENT: USACE Rock Island District
CTI was selected as a preferred Contractor by the USACE Rock Island District for the 2013 Event Flood Damage Repairs for the Gregory Drainage and Levee District in Clark and Lewis Counties, Missouri. This flood repair project along the Mississippi River was completed within a period of performance of four months during the Fall of 2014. The preconstruction efforts included the preparation of a Work Plan, a Quality Control Plan, an Accident Prevention Plan, and an Environmental Protection Plan.
The levee repairs consisted of three (3) separate areas within the drainage district, spread out over a distance of approximately three (3) miles. These locations required repair due to wave wash resulting in scouring in the river side of the levee run-out zone or the levee toe.
Two (2) of the repair locations were similar requiring debris removal, clearing and grubbing, subgrade preparation, stone bedding material placement, heavy rip-rap armoring and site restoration. Site debris along with cleared and grubbed materials were loaded onto barges for off-site disposal. Imported materials were transported to the river bank sites via barge on the Mississippi River, unloaded from the barge and placed and graded with landside equipment. CTI placed over 2,600 tons of stone bedding material and over 6,000 tons of heavy rip-rap material along approximately 1,000 linear feet of the levee reach.
The third location required reconstruction of the levee toe with impervious embankment materials. CTI stripped and stockpiled topsoil materials from the designated borrow area, excavated, loaded and transported the clay material approximately 1.2 miles, placed, graded and compacted the materials to achieve project objectives. Following completion of the levee reconstruction the levee and borrow area were fine graded and seeded.
During execution of the base contract, additional scope was requested by USACE that increased the scope of work over 300% and the project was delivered ahead of schedule and under budget.
- Excellent construction safety record
- Clearing, grubbing and stripping
- Subgrade preparation
- Stone protection placement
- Imported/exported material by barge via Mississippi River
- Clay levee repairs
- Borrow area management
- Final grading, site restoration and seeding
- Survey control
CTI’s team of heavy equipment operators, construction laborers, quality control and testing personnel worked diligently through various weather delays including a high water event, a temporary project hold, and strict USACE quality assurance requirements to deliver a successful project prior to the pending flood season.